Monday, October 13, 2014

Email from Elder Lofthouse 10/1314 Going Strong!

A got baptized yesterday! It was really good. I can see her serving a mission one day. I love that family. C reset her baptismal date. She wants to shoot for November 16. I think the fact that I'm leaving will help her do everything she can to get her situation worked out so she can get baptized before that. Her boyfriend has been bringing a lot of opposition into her life but for the most part it only seems to be strengthening her resolve. 

We had a good lesson last night with V's wife. Apparently he's been going to his AA classes every day and doesn't get back until nine. Except Thursdays! So we should be seeing him then. In our lesson with N (his wife), we reviewed the importance of the Book of Mormon and read Moroni 10:3-5 with her. She opened up to us and shared all her doubts about how she finds it confusing because it's difficult to leave the Catholic church but believes it's possible that the truth is in this one. She said that all she wants is for her family to be united. She's the only one that goes to Catholic church. She said that if V will commit to our church, going every Sunday and such, that she will follow. We want to talk with them on Thursday about eternal families and being able to be sealed together in the temple.

At random moments it hits me that this is it. This is the end stretch. And maybe I'm crazy, but I've been praying for God to give me experiences to help me grow and progress, "mountains to climb" if you will. They've been coming, I feel like I'm seeing more of my weaknesses than ever, but recognizing that God is just answering my prayers gives me strength to face those trials and weaknesses with determination to rely on the enabling power of Jesus Christ to overcome them. I've noticed that when I struggle most is when I start focusing more on myself. When I'm doing really well it's because I'm focused on the people we're teaching, members, my companion, and other missionaries.
Tomorrow we are going to be having a conference with Elder Nielson from the quorum of the seventy.  He asked us to read a couple talks by Elder Bednar beforehand about the enabling power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ.  I love this topic.  If you can I strongly suggest reading "Bear up their burdens with ease" and "The enabling power of the atonement" both by Elder Bednar.  I know that the Atonement is not just for cleansing us from sin, but strengthening us to bear up our burdens, overcome our weaknesses, and become better disciples of Christ.  

I love you all!  Hope you have a great week!
Elder Lofthouse

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