Thursday, June 6, 2013

Email from Elder Lofthouse 6/5/13 (with pictures!)

Hello everyone!  Yet another week has gone by.  What did you do with
it?  Are you closer to God now than you were a week ago?  I hope so.
I've learned so much in this last week.  And we have Zone Conference
on Friday and I know that I'm going to learn so much more there!
Nothing compares to the mission.  I'm so thankful that I am here!

We have a baptism this Saturday.  His name is M.  He is 14 and
really good friends with two of our members.  Oh, I think I already
told you that last week.  His Grandma is actually a member and though
his mom isn't, she has read the Book of Mormon, the Doctrine and
Covenants, the Pearl of Great Price, and she loved going to mutual
when she was younger.  I'm not sure why she wasn't baptized, but I'm
sure she will be here in the future.  We just need to work on her
husband (M's step-dad) first.  He's really friendly, and he just
switched churches not too long ago, so hopefully we can get him to try
ours out before he gets to strong in his.
A lot of our investigators here are youth.  The branch in Atwater
didn't really have any youth in it, so it's really different.  We have
a great ward here, and I'm starting to learn a lot about how to work
with members.  It really is the best way to find people.  Don't be
afraid to share the gospel with people you know!

I know that this church is true.  I know that there is a reason the
leaders of the church keep saying that the Lord is hastening His work.
 He is.  Take Elder Nelson's counsel and "catch the wave!"  Prepare to
serve a mission.  Invite others to "come and see."  Study the many
talks from this last conference that were about missionary work.  Pray
for missionary opportunities.  Pray for specific people to be prepared
to receive the gospel.  Pray to know who is ready for you to share the
gospel with them.  "The Lord puts prepared people in the way of His
prepared servants who want to share His gospel." -Elder Henry B.
Eyering.  I know that is true.  If you have "treasure[d] up
continually the words of life" and you want to share the gospel with
someone, of course God will put someone in your path!  Don't be afraid
to open you mouth and, with love, testify of the blessings the gospel
brings.  Be bold, but don't be overbearing.  If your motivation is to
help other people, not to gain personal recognition or even just to do
your duty, I promise that you will find success.

I love you all!  Keep pressing forward!

Elder Lofthouse

The four of us who lived in the apartment in Atwater for four months.

The habanero I ate

My last district (the best district ever!!) including Sister Postonn who
you may recognize from my MTC district.

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