Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Email from Elder Lofthouse 12/12/12

Hello!  How is everybody doing?  Oh, before I forget again, I can't call home on Christmas.  There aren't nearly enough phones to accommodate all the people here.  Sorry.  I'll be sure to write though.  Oh, maybe for Christmas you could send me my orange duffel bag and two more pairs of white socks. :)  Oh and I forgot my camera again today, sorry.    

Todays e-mail might be short.  I'm not sure what to write about.  Both of my investigators have baptismal dates and we're picking up two more investigators tonight.  I can't wait for the day when those are actual investigators and we're not just role-playing.  The BYU mens chorus came and sang on Sunday.  They were really good!  Our zone is getting a new district today, and next week, my district will be the oldest in our zone.  That is so strange.  I don't feel like I've been here that long.  Yet at the same time I feel like I've always been here and I always will be. :)  Maybe throughout the week I should take note of things I should include in this e-mail.  That would probably help.

Well, enough of going from one random thing to another.  In our devotional yesterday, Elder Hallstrom spoke to us.  In part of it he talked about meetings and how if we will go to each of our meetings expecting to learn from the Holy Ghost something that we can change, and we have every intent of acting on the revelation we know we will receive, then we will receive.  Meetings will never again be boring if we do that.  I encourage each of you to go to church each Sunday with a specific question in mind that you want answered.  Write it down in a notebook and take it with you to church.  Pray about it and have faith that the Spirit will teach you as you listen to the talks and the lessons.  Write down your thoughts and feelings.  You will receive an answer.  I would encourage all of you to develop that habit of writing down thoughts and impressions all the time, but especially during church and scripture study.  When you read your scriptures, have a notebook and a pen or pencil out, expecting that you will receive impressions that you ought to write down.  "Knowledge carefully recorded is knowledge available in time of need." - Elder Richard G. Scott.  He also taught that if we write down revelation we receive in a sacred place, God will be more likely to give us additional revelation.  The Heavens are open.  God will speak to you if you will listen.  Study, ponder, and pray, and you will receive every answer that you need.

Don't forget to rely on God, and don't forget to be happy. :)

I love you!

-Elder Ryan Lofthouse-

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