Monday, August 25, 2014

Email from Elder Lofthouse 8/25/14 The Beginning of the End (With Pictures)

Picture from R's baptism in Madera
Well, not much to add from the last four days, but I got baptized and confirmed! And President Mann (one of the counselor's in the mission presidency, who lives her in Visalia) was kind enough to invite her and her family to have brownies and ice cream at his house afterward. He is such a wonderful person!
Her daughter, A was also going to get baptized but I guess was scared about it a few days before hand just because she really wasn't sure what would actually happen. After the baptism, she was asking my companions questions like, "Why did you raise your arm in the air" and after seeing her mom get baptized, she's feeling better about it. Hopefully she'll get baptized this week or next.

We met with Teresa and A on Saturday and helped resolve T's doubts about marriage and baptism. At the end of the lesson they both said that nothing was holding them back from getting married or baptized and we set the date for Sept. 6th. They came to church on Sunday, as did Connie and all of them are progressing very well.


and his family didn't make it to church because they worked really late Saturday night, but we saw him later that evening and he commited to stop smoking and prepare for baptism on Sept 13th. I really feel he will get there and it will be a huge help for the rest of his family in making that decision too. 

Our area has been so blessed recently. We've been having so much success and I feel so grateful for the blessings Heavenly Father has been pouring out on us, the greatest of which has been the constant companionship of his Spirit.  I don't think I ever realized how literal that can be.

Also, transfer calls came!  Elder Herrera got a call at about 9 Saturday morning and President asked him to be a zone leader.  He didn't say anything to me, so I thought, "Well, looks like I'll have escaped leadership for my entire mission."  Then we got another call two hours later and President said he hadn't finished and had forgotten to ask me to serve as a trainer for my last two transfers.

I'm very excited and nervous to be training. I know it will help me grow so much and I really believe that these will be the best two transfers of my entire mission. God has been so good to me lately, I have felt the Spirit more than at almost any other time in my entire mission (and my entire life) and I have been learning how to maintain that Spirit through obedience and diligence. I love what this work is doing to me and I look forward to giving my all these last 12 weeks.
Elder Lofthouse's district and ward mission leader

I love you all and hope you are enjoying life!  We are so blessed to be members of God's church and to be able to participate in the great work of Salvation.

Have a great week!
Elder Lofthouse

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