Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Email from Elder Lofthouse 9/15/14 So Much to Do!

Hello everyone!

Numbers were kind of low this week because of the various activities we had this week (Work of Salvation, Trainer/Trainee meeting, picking up mini-missionaries in Hanford, working in the Vineyard, and a Ward activity). But C told us that she no longer has doubts and she knows she's going to get baptized. However, she didn't show up at church, and she still is working on getting the faith to do whatever it takes to start living law of chastity so she can get baptized. If she kicks her boyfriend out, she wont' have enough money to pay the rent until she finds a new job. We're going to stop by today to find out what happened yesterday. T and A met with bishop on Sunday, and we'll be meeting with them tomorrow after zone conference to see how it went and to help T feel more confident about accepting a baptismal date. I have hope that this week will see a lot of success.
To explain the various activities this week:  On Tuesday night, the stake president and other stake representatives and our ward council went out with us to visit investigators and less-actives.  Me and my companion didn't have much success and Elder Mora only had one lesson.  But Elder Cruz got to go out with Bishop AND the Stake President and it sounds like they had some really great lessons.  On Wednesday we went up to Fresno to have a meeting for all the trainers and trainees where we had different trainings.  On Friday we went to the Hanford stake to pick up some youth who were set apart as missionaries for 2 days.  Our companion actually didn't show up which was sad.  The next morning we went to the vineyard to roll up the raisins and then that night we had a ward activity to celebrate the independence of Latin America.  There were a lot of cool cultural dances and great Mexican food.

Vl and his family also didn't show up to church even though they said 45 minutes before it started that they were coming. We're hoping to see them today as well. Setting baptismal dates and helping investigators come to church will be a focus this week.

Funny story from this week: I accidentally asked out a sister missionary.  You'd think after 22 months I'd have Spanish down, but while we were setting up for our Ward Activity on Saturday I made an embarrassing mistake. We needed tape to hang up some signs and one of the sister missionaries had it. So I went up to her and said, "Quiero cita. I mean tape! Cinta! Quiero cinta!" Cinta is "tape."  Cita is "appointment" or "date." Woops... She either didn't notice or just let it go though which was nice. 

To help me finish my mission strong I decided to fast yesterday and start the purification challenge. I want so much to see miracles with Elder Mora over the next 2 months and for that we need the Spirit, so I'm doing everything I can to get that Spirit. I'm really glad I was given the opportunity to train because it's really helping me to stay focused and keep striving to improve.

I hope you have a great week!
Elder Lofthouse

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