Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Email from Elder Lofthouse 3/5/13

Hello again!  Thank you for your letters.  There were a lot of questions asked, and I'm going to go ahead and answer them here.
Do I get to play the piano a lot?  I've played twice in sacrament meeting, and I've played in our last two zone meetings as well.  And I'm going to be playing the hymns in a special fireside we'll be having towards the end of the month with President Gelwix and the Hispanic community.  So yeah, I get to play fairly often.  How often do I speak in church?  I haven't yet.  I bore my testimony both Fast Sundays that I've been here though.  Do I have to teach in church at all?  My companion and I are usually the ones who teach Gospel Principles.  

How's the weather? It's starting to get hot.  The weather is very nice here.  It's only rained once and I haven't really used my jacket except after dinner this last week. We definitely haven't gotten any snow.  How was Valentine's day (asked by Camary)? I mentioned in one of my last e-mails that that was the day we had our Trainer/Trainee meeting.  I also happened to get the Valentine's day package you sent me that day too.  Other than that, nothing really special happened.  And what's my favorite animal (also asked by Camary)?  A tiger.  Tigers are the best.

Dad, you asked if Elder Peacock has family in Castle Dale.  He does.  Like me, it's his grandpa's brother's family.  I'm sure they're the ones you knew.  Small world, huh?

Mom, Preach My Gospel says we're only supposed to study the Standard Works and the Missionary Reference Library.  President Gelwix has added church magazines and the Miracle of Forgiveness.  In fact, he's asked us to read the Miracle of Forgiveness during our mission, even if we've read it before.  So you could send me a copy of that, but not of that other book, sorry.  And trust me, I wouldn't have said anything to you about those dogs if I'd thought there was any real danger.  And don't worry, I've been perfectly safe, and will continue to be safe as long as I'm following the rules. 

I have a couple questions.  Why didn't Xander send me a letter??  And did Rusty get the last letter I sent him?  Because I mentioned the accident in there, but in this last letter I got from him, he didn't seem to think I knew about it.  

Anyway, I am enjoying being a missionary and teaching is going well.  It's so easy to fall asleep at night.  I have never slept so well consistently in my entire life.  Ironically, I'm tired all the time.  But if you're not a tired missionary, you're doing something wrong.  I love how busy missionary life is.  Time goes by so quickly because of it, and at the same time it feels like a lot more time has passed.  I feel like I've been out in the field for three months, but it's only been 6 weeks.  So much happens each day and each week.  It's hard to choose what to write home about.  But I'm doing well, talking to lots of people, and having great experiences.  I don't really like sharing experiences that haven't finished yet and I don't know what's going to happen next.  But here's one that I hope ends up going somewhere.

We were riding down the street one day and stopped to talk to a couple and their daughter.  I don't remember what we were saying at first, but they weren't all that interested, just telling us that they were Catholic.  I asked if we could come by and leave a blessing on their home sometime.  The husband was very friendly and he said yes, but the wife didn't look too sure.  He told us they live across from O's family!  So they knew what religion we were from, and they knew that family, but the wife still didn't seem happy to be talking to us.  When we went by to give the blessing, the husband invited us in, but again, the wife was a little resistant.  They have a sign outside their door that says, in Spanish, "This house is Catholic.  We don't accept protestant propaganda or any other sect."  I'm pretty sure she's the one who put that up.  However, after the blessing, something in her changed.  They invited us back.  However, when we went back, the husband wasn't home and they were expecting company (I guess they forgot our appointment) and we still haven't gotten to teach them yet.  But the wife was very kind to us, gave us their number, and a couple of very needed water bottles.  I really hope we get to teach them soon!

Well, I hope you keep asking me questions, because I never know what to include in these e-mails.  Hope everyone is doing well!

Love you all!  And don't ever lose hope!

-Elder Ryan Lofthouse-

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