Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Email from Elder Lofthouse 5/14/13

Well, today is my six month mark.  How crazy is that?  I feel like I left home just last month.  But it sure has been a good six months.  I'm so excited to hear about all the people getting their mission calls, because a mission is really the best thing you could possibly be doing.  It is so difficult, and can be so frustrating at times, but it is completely worth it.
D has been doing great.  Yesterday she sent us a text saying she only had 42 pages left in the Book of Mormon.  Woohoo!  We did hit one little snag though.  We met with Dianna on Saturday, and then after that she ended up going to a party with her old friends.  She shared some cigarettes and had a sip of a margarita.  She felt horrible.  And then she couldn't come to church on Sunday because her family was going somewhere for Mother's Day.  She really wanted to stay and go to church, but her dad probably would of kicked her out.  She seriously considered coming anyway, but she didn't.  We had 0 investigators at church.  That was a first.  Anyway, we had a baptismal interview set up with her this Thursday with President McAndrews (1st counselor in the Mission Presidency) and we called him and asked if we should still do the interview.  We feel that she is ready and that she's not going to make choices like that again, so he said he's still going to interview her and then we'll see about when she can get baptized.  But she still might be able to this Saturday.  And she is literally planning out her baptism, calling the people she wants to give talks, following up with me to make sure I've chosen a closing hymn, etc.  I'm so excited for her!  
     We mentioned to her that she should serve a mission and she said, "No, no!  I'd just angry at people who didn't want to listen or were rude, and I take forever to get ready in the morning," etc.  However, when we met with heron Saturday she told us about an experience she had where she was playing something online and she starting talking with her opponent and they ended up talking about the church and how it has helped her and how she has changed and she encouraged him to find the missionaries and listen to him.  And then the thought popped into her mind, "You should be a missionary," and she got that weird feeling again (a.k.a. the Spirit).  So, I'm really hoping she goes on a mission in a year and I get to go through the temple with her.  That would be so awesome!
Transfers are this next week.  We get our calls Saturday night.  I really have no idea what's going to happen.  Elder Hernandez is mostly likely staying as District Leader here (though President is notorious for moving missionaries for their last transfer).  So either I'm going to go somewhere else, or we'll get to stay together one more transfer.  Our district has been completely untouched for the last couple trasnfers though (except for Sister Poston replacing Sister Scott) so chances are things are going to be changing.  Our zone hasn't even really changed that much since I got here.  So it will be interesting to see what happens this week.
Well, we're about to go see Dianna.  Please pray for her!  She's going to be a great member.  Thank you for all your love and support!  This really is God's work.  I know that this is His church and that everyone needs this gospel!  So don't be afraid to boldy share it with those who don't have it yet!  So, "forget yourself and go to work" because "perfect love casteth out all fear."  I love you all!
-Elder Lofthouse  

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