Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Email from Elder Lofthouse 5/28/13

Well, it's been an interesting week.  And I forgot my memory card, so no pictures again this week.  Sorry. 
I miss my old area.  I miss my trainer and the other missionaries I served with.  I miss my recent converts and investigators.  I think I'm more area-sick than I ever was homesick.  But I know I'm here for a reason.  I just need to figure out what that is. 
I had a family pull a prank on me at our dinner appointment on Friday.  It was pretty great.  They're named the Kreisels.  Brother Kreisel had a bandana on his head, there was a pack of cigarettes out, he had a bottle of Budweiser next to his plates, there were some beer cans tucked away in the kitchen I saw, They had a "wine" bottle in a bowl of ice, and he was being super rude to his family and was saying all sorts of crazy things.  In the opening prayer he said, "And please bless us with strength that we may be able to push anyone who gets in our way."  At first I was just super confused, but I started to catch on after a few minutes.  Brother Kreisel finally took his bandana off and said, "Sorry, let me start again properly." 
I don't have much else to report.  We have a pretty solid baptism for June 8.  His name is M and he's really good friends with some young men who are recent converts named K and L.  He was supposed to get baptized a couple weeks ago, but a member his age from the church told him at school that she regrets being baptized every day.  There were several other investigators in that group who also got scared away by her.  We're trying to do damage control with them, because they were all ready to be baptized.  We talked with M a bunch and L shared his testimony about how much his life has been blessed since he was baptized, and Mario really wants to again.
Well, hopefully I'll have more to say next week.  Thank you for all your love and support.  I hope you all have a great week!
Elder Lofthouse  

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