I was super disappointed at first. I'm tired of getting moved around and getting new companions. And I guess my next companion, Elder Neeves, is going home to Australia next transfer, so I'll only get to be with him one transfer as well. I just want two transfers with one companion. But I know that this is the Lord's work and that He has plans for me and that this is where I'm supposed to be going. It's hard leaving Madera though because the ward is so amazing and pretty much every other Spanish congregation in the mission is dysfunctional. But I'm sure there are great things to come in Merced!
This transfer has been the best of my mission. We saw so many miracles! And we've been baptizing weekly (four weeks in a row now)! We didn't think it was possible! But as we trusted in God and we set inspired goals and made inspired plans and tried our very best to make things happen, God took our efforts and made them into something that we couldn't. I learned so much in the last 6 weeks, and I'm going to miss it so much!
I know that God loves us. I know that this is His work. I know that there are people ready to receive the gospel and we're finding them. I am so, so grateful that I was able to come out here. For a little while, I was wondering if I'd ever be able to go. But with so much support from you, my friends and family, I was able to do it and I have been so blessed because of it. Thank you so much! I hope you are seeing all the blessings and miracles that God pours out on you each day. He is very aware of you. Do your best, be humble, work hard, and you will receive so much!
I love you all! I hope you're enjoying life as much as I am despite all of it's disappointments, discouragements, and trials. They last only a short time, and if you put your trust in God, they work together for your good. I know that's true!
Elder Lofthouse
What a great missionary Ryan is!!! We are so proud of him and all the hard work they do!!! God Bless Them and keep them safe!!!